Automated Future: SEDOTEC Invests Millions in High-Tech Production
Interview with Dirk Seiler, Managing Director at Sedotec
SEDOTEC is setting new standards: Following a record-breaking year in 2023, the medium-sized systems manufacturer is investing several million euros in highly automated sheet metal production. With state-of-the-art technology and advanced digital integration, the company aims to conquer the leading position in low-voltage switchgear manufacturing. Learn more about the largest investment in the company’s history and the benefits for our customers.
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Change in switchgear manufacturing: How SEDOTEC is shaping the future
Switchgear manufacturing is facing major challenges - digitalization, sustainability and a shortage of skilled workers are shaping the industry. However, SEDOTEC demonstrates how to actively shape this dynamic change while focusing on innovation, trust and culture. Find out why size alone is no longer enough and how the new VAMOCON 1250 kit system is setting a sustainable milestone in energy distribution.
Orgavision and SEDOTEC successfully implant a new digital heart
Who hasn't experienced this? The company seems to be in a good position in terms of IT. Production and administration are digitalized and new applications are easily integrated and incorporated. Ideally, you have your own in-house IT experts who make all of this possible. Ideally, you have your own in-house IT experts who make all of this possible. Until one day you realize that the entire digital structure is hanging by a thread. The accumulated data structures are rigid, highly opaque, and only comprehensible as part of the IT managers' personal knowledge. Furthermore they are also an open door for cyber attacks. It's high time to pull the ripcord. If you don't change now, you're walking a fine line!
Bringing Renewable Energy safely to the Grid
In 2023, nearly 60% of electricity was generated from renewable sources. Less than a quarter of this came from photovoltaics. This figure could be much higher. The desire to increase this share exists in many companies. However, significant hurdles remain, including lengthy approval processes and a shortage of skilled workers, in addition to the individual "DIY effort." This could now change. SEDOTEC is providing a safe, quickly installable, and sustainable standard solution for feeding self-generated energy into the grid with tested field types – not just from solar power.
Sedotec achieves a record and transformation
Sedotec GmbH & Co. KG closes 2023 with record sales and earnings. The owner-managed medium-sized company has also impressively demonstrated how the transformation from contract manufacturer to system supplier can succeed. The manufacturer of kit systems for low-voltage switchgear underlines its goals for 2024 with major investments.
SEDOTEC ends parts production for ABB and take off with VAMOCON
SEDOTEC GmbH & Co. KG from Ladenburg is ending its supply of parts to ABB after 19 years. What began in 2004 with the takeover of ABB Schaltanlagentechnik ended in December with the delivery of the last part. For the owners, the vision from back then is now becoming a reality. By 2023, the transformation from contract manufacturer to system supplier will be complete. Now the owners are starting the next era. The medium-sized company wants to grow strongly with the innovative and intelligent switchgear system VAMOCON and become the market leader in German-speaking countries.
The future of energy distribution
Schaltschrankbau November 2023
Digitalisation, safety and standards, including liability, are completely transforming the industry. Added to this are sustainability, CO2 savings and a shortage of skilled workers. And the dynamics are breathtaking. We at SEDOTEC are ready and looking forward to it. Find out how we do it here.
The future of switchgear assemblies can only be digital
Interview with Volker Kirchhoff, Head of Development at Sedotec
Digitalisation is rapidly changing the world. This does not stop when it comes to power distribution. In addition, standards are changing and expanding at an ever faster pace. And of course, these technical developments are also challenging the designers, manufacturers and operators of switchgear assemblies on a daily basis. We spoke with expert Volker Kirchhoff, Head of Development at Sedotec, about the latest trends in the industry.